Thursday, October 29, 2015

Green Building Systems

Green Building SystemsIncrease your return on investment with green building systems from Advanced Control
Many property and building owners are revamping various aspects of their property in order to make it more efficient, have less of a negative effect on the environment and save them money. One way they are doing this is through the installation of green building systems or Building Automation Systems, also known as a BAS. These green building systems produce safer, more comfortable and productive environments for occupants while reducing overall costs. You may be curious how these systems work. A BAS is a centralized network that manages and monitors all of your property’s systems, structures and components. By controlling HVAC, lighting, temperature, air quality, access control and security systems at optimal levels, your building becomes as efficient as possible.

Now that you know how a BAS works, you may be wondering if you will receive a return on investment with a green building system. According to a recent report from McGraw Hill Construction SmartMarket, the average ROI of an intelligent or green building is:
  1. 20-40 percent energy usage reduction
  2. 8-9 percent operating cost reduction
  3. 5 percent building value increase
If this information has increased your interest in implementing a Building Automation System into your property, then it may be time to partner with the leaders in BAS in South Florida, Advanced Control Corporation. From commercial and industrial buildings to hospitals, schools, housing structures and more, green building solutions can offer a wide variety of advantages no matter the type of structure.
In addition to your building becoming more efficient, reducing energy usage and increasing in value, your green building systems will also make your occupants and tenants more comfortable, thanks to consistent temperatures, lighting and air quality.
Increased comfort equals less complaints, potentially leading to an increase in productivity.
When you partner with Advanced Control, we will do a comprehensive review on your facility to determine where your largest potential savings is possible and recommend multiple options to turn your building into a green building. With our complimentary system evaluation, you will also receive an onsite analysis of all of the current systems within your property. This will let you know what systems are inefficient and could use updating. Inefficient systems could be a main source of wasted energy and high utility or operational costs for your property.
Since 1987, we have positioned ourselves as a leader in South Florida in the areas of energy management, building automation, access control, CCTV solutions and more. We helped countless clients redesign their property into a green building before it hit mainstream popularity, reducing the carbon footprint of hundreds of buildings across the state of Florida.
Contact Advanced Control today at 954-491-6660 to learn more about green and/or intelligent building systems and how a customizable Building Automation System can transform your property.  

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